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Books - Jewish Roots of Christianity

Although the roots of Christianity run deep into Hebrew soil, many Christians are regrettably uninformed about the rich Hebrew heritage of the church. This volume delineates the link between Judaism and Christianity, between the Old and the New Testaments, and calls Christians to re-examine their Hebrew roots so as to effect a more authentically biblical lifestyle.
The New Testament is a Jewish book, written by Jews, initially for Jews. Its central figure was a Jew. His followers were all Jews; yet no translation--except this one--really communicates its original, essential Jewishness. Uses neutral terms and Hebrew names. Highlights Jewish features and Jewish references. Corrects mistranslations from an anti-Jewish theological basis. Freshly rendered into English using the Greek texts, this is a must for learning about first-century faith.
Jewish New Testament and Jewish New Testament Commentary. These two classic works, handsomely packaged in a gold-stamped burgundy slip-case, make a stunning addition to your bookshelf. Yet, the best thing about this set is when it comes off the shelf and is used to dig deep into the New Testament. For every believer interested in knowing the Bible better. A great gift!
The Church and the Jews: the Biblical Relationship
From Sabbath to Sunday : A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity - The investigation establishes that the change from Saturday to Sunday began approximately one century after the death of Christ, as a result of an interplay of political, social, pagan and Christian factors. The change in the day of rest and worship was not merely a change of names or of numbers, but rather a change of meaning, authority and experience. Essentially it was a change from a Holy Day into a holiday.
THE SABBATH IN THE NEW TESTAMENT summarizes the author's extensive research by presenting four basic reasons for his belief in the permanence of the principle and practice of Sabbathkeeping in the New Testament. These reasons are presented in a clear and simple way which ordinary readers can understand. In the second half of the book answers a wide variety of questions people have often asked about the Sabbath. The questions deal with historical, theological and practical aspects of Sabbathkeeping.
Did God Change His Mind - A discussion of the Biblical food guidelines and today's believer.
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Your compassion is great, O LORD; preserve my life according to your laws.
Psalm 119 :156