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Books - Messianic Judaism

Yeshua and his Jewish followers began a new movement - Messianic Judaism -2,000 years ago. In the twentieth century, it was reborn, and, now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is maturing. The Enduring Paradox is a collection of essays from some of the top contributors to the theology of this vital movement of God: Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, Dr. David H. Stern, Dr. John Fischer, Dr. Patrice Fischer, Dr. Michael Schiffman, Dr. Louis Goldberg, Elliot Klayman, Esq., Lawrence Rich. Their research and writing will impact the maturing of Messianic Judaism for years to come.
Messianic Judaism is a modern movement with an ancient past. Its resurgence today may hold the key to world redemption. Dr. Michael Schiffman documents the roots of the modern Messianic Jewish movement and explains how Messianic Jews are uniquely positioned by God in their relationship to both the church and the Jewish community to be a bridge of understanding in our day.
A detailed discussion of the history, ideology, theology and program for Messianic Judaism. A challenge to both Jews and non-Jews who honor Yeshua to catch the vision of Messianic Judaism. You will see how Messianic Jews are poised to help heal the longtime rift between the Church and the Jewish people.
Messianic Judaism - This is an excellent treatment of Messianic Judaism by a Reform Jewish Rabbi.
Here is a collection of substantive articles compiled to focus discussion on some weighty matters facing the Messianic Jewish movement. Reform rabbi, Dr. Dan Cohn-Sherbok, though not a Messianic Jew, is a friend of the movement. He believes that Messianic Judaism may be considered a branch of Judaism in this century. Professor of Judaism at the University of Wales, author of over 30 books, Rabbi Cohn-Sherbok guided the selection of topics addressed in this book.
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See how I love your precepts; preserve my life, O LORD, according to your love.
Psalm 119 :159