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Paul and his Writings

Jewish Roots of Christianity


Gentile Inclusion

Messianic Judaism

Recommended Websites

TorahResource - This highly recommended site is provided by Tim Hegg, a respected scholar and leader of the Beit Hallel community in Tacoma, Washington. Be sure to check his list of articles on many biblical subjects. The site also provides biblical messianic materials for Torah communities including Distance Learning. Materials relating to the Torah are available in English and Spanish.

First Fruits of Zion is a ministry whose aim is communicating Torah to Gentile believers as well as Jews. Many helpful resources are provided.

Jerusalem Perspective is a site that is packed with information about the Jewish background of Jesus. It aims to present the life and teaching of Jesus in their original cultural and linguistic settings. This is done by publishing the research results of members of the Jerusalem School of Synoptic Research, a group of Jewish and Christian scholars working in the Holy Land. A premium membership is offered for access to hundreds more articles, and is probably the best source available for learning about Jesus and his ministry.

Mark D. Nanos is probably the foremost researcher on Paul's epistles in their Jewish first-century context. For understanding Paul and his epistles to the Romans and Galatians, there is no better source.

The Center for Judaic-Christian Studies is a ministry of Dwight Pryor, and provides helpful studies in the form of books, tapes, and videos. It was Dwight's materials that first got me interested in this topic.

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I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.
Psalm 119 :32