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From Law to Grace: One Bible Student's Search for Truth

      It was shortly after graduating from Western Seminary that I found myself on the staff of a small church in Vancouver, Washington, teaching an adult Sunday School class on the Bible. We covered such topics as inspiration, how we got the Bible, inerrancy, and interpretation of scripture. I found that I really enjoyed exploring these questions with a group of interested Christians. So I started thinking of topics for future classes.

      One subject that seemed interesting was the change in the role of the Law from the Old Testament until now. I knew from seminary days that the Law that God gave to Moses was no longer applicable to the church today, but I really didn't know any of the details of the change. So I chose that as my topic: How We Got from Law to Grace. Then I began studying the issue. The following pages explore the results of this study and some of the surprising conclusions that I came to.

From Law to Grace in the Old Testament
From Law to Grace in the Gospels
From Law to Grace in Acts
From Law to Grace in the Epistles
From Law to Grace: Conclusions

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Your statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart.
Psalm 119 :111